What Yarn is Best to Crochet With?

Have you been wondering what the best yarn to crochet with is? There are so many options out there that it is easy to get confused and lost as to what to use, especially with so many to choose from.

I’m big at ordering my yarn online. Mostly because I don’t have access to a very wide choice at stores near me, and also because I like to look for the best yarn at the best prices. When I was first learning to crochet I was limited to a local cheap shop and a department store. Both with very limited choices. I ended up buying yarn based on the colours more than anything else. I hadn’t been exposed to many yarns so I wasn’t really aware of how much nicer yarn could feel or that there really is unlimited options out there in the world! If this is you too, then bear with me as I will lead you towards some of my favourite yarns and online stores.

Before you invest in building a stash of yarn, I recommend that you think out the type of projects that you are most likely to make and what type of yarn you’ll need for them. For example, I design and make washcloths every single month. These need a 100% cotton to make them so I am comfortable ordering a bulk amount of the yarn that I will use for these in the colours that I prefer. It would not make sense to order lots of acrylics if I was only making washcloths. If you want to make lots of socks, then sock yarn is where you need to focus. If you’re making baby blankets, then yarns for baby blankets can be stocked up on.

Not everyone wants to or can afford to buy yarn just to have it sitting in their stash for when it eventually speaks to them and tells them what it wants to be. (Trust me, if your yarn hasn’t spoken to you yet, give it time as it will!). And even if you can, you’ll be best to invest in yarn that is going to be suited to projects that you’re likely to make in the future.

Having said all that, below are my top 5 go to places for buying yarn. Each one I go to for a different purpose and different yarn, so I’ll encourage you to think of your needs before you start buying in bulk or large numbers. And test things out for yourself. Buy small amounts first before you start to buy more often or in larger amounts. Figure out which fibre you enjoy working with most and which colours you’re drawn towards as it all counts.

BelleMae Yarns. This is an aussie store that sells my beloved Lolas. Yasmin stocks Scheepjes and Fiddlesticks yarns too. I love the Scheepjes Whirls almost as much as a Lola. And Fiddlesticks cotton is divine to work with. There is more than just the yarn that I love about BelleMae yarns too as Yasmin is growing a wonderful community of crafters in her private facebook group. Acrylic yarn is not my favourite to work with, but the ranges stocked at BelleMae Yarns are definitely lovely to play with and have a great range of colours. So if you love a gradient yarn and good quality yarns, then BelleMae is one to check out, especially if you’re in Australia.

Hobbii Yarns. This store is based in the Netherlands. Their prices come up for me in US dollars, but they are a great online yarn store for building a stash of affordable every day yarns. They have many yarns that get cheaper the more that you add to their cart, which is a win for me. And they have frequent sales. My go to from them is their Rainbow cottons. I have a huge stash of this yarn, mostly in the 8/4 cotton which I use for my temperature blankets. Their Cotton Kings yarn is another great go to. One of my members of the Hooked on Crochet Club is an acrylic fan and loves their Amigo acrylic. I haven’t used it so I can’t comment, but I would definitely consider trying it. They have great shipping options world-wide too, so this place is great to consider no matter where you live.

KnitPicks. This store is based in the US and is my go to for their Dishie Yarn that I use for my washcloths. I also really love their Comfy Cotton blend yarns and Mighty Stitch Wool acrylic blend worsted weight yarn. I have tried a few others too and I have loved them all. They have extremely fast and affordable shipping to Australia so I can only assume shipping will be great to other countries too. They often have sales too which is always a plus.

Love Crafts. This store is based in the UK. Delivery costs changed with covid and they no longer have a free shipping option to Australia. I still order from time to time as their Paintbox Cottons has a huge range of colours to work with, but I order a lot less often from them now. I’ve also enjoy working with the Hobbii cottons more than the Paintbox so I am more likely to buy from Hobbii now. If you’re based in the UK though they have a great range of yarns to choose from. They have also started stocking a number of the Scheepjes yarns too that I enjoy working with.

Etsy. Esty is everywhere and is one of my go to places when I am looking for hand-dyed yarns. I usually filter for ones in my own country so it is easier to support local small businesses. It is worth searching though as you can find some really gorgeous and unique hand-dyed yarns. If you’re going to head into hand-dyed yarns make sure that you also invest in a swift and yarn winder. I made the mistake of thinking I could work with a hank of yarn without winding it. Let me just say it is a mistake that I will never ever ever make again!

If the idea of yarn turns you into knots (sorry!) then you’ll love the yarn reviews that I give every month inside the Hooked on Crochet Club. And that I guide you into what yarns can be used for which projects to give the best results. If you’re reading this blog then consider this a personal invitation to come and join us at any time. I keep the doors closed most of the year round and open to the public three times a year, but there are some sneaky ways to gain access and this will be one of them. Head here and learn more and sign up!

Seona x

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